Tips That Can Help You Remember Your Orthodontic Appointment

If you tend to forget about your orthodontic adjustment appointments, then it’s time to try to be better. When you don’t attend your appointment without giving our orthodontic team notice, it inconveniences us greatly. So, please do your best to remember your appointments. To help you do so, our orthodontists, Drs. Adenwalla and Ashai, encourage you to use these tips:

-Set an alarm on your phone: Just enter the event into the calendar on your phone. As you do so, make sure it reminds you about an hour or even a day before your appointment. While you’re at it, add the event to your calendar at home or make a sticky note for yourself and put it in a place where you’ll see it often.

-Set an alarm on your mom or dad’s phone: When your parents remember about your appointment, it’ll be hard for you to forget about it, so schedule the event in your parents’ phones as well as in your own phone.

-Schedule the appointment for a time when you’re not busy: When you have to get a million things done and when you’re stressed about life happenings, an orthodontic appointment is the last thing on your mind. So, try to schedule your appointment at a time that is less stressful and less busy for you.

Would you like to know more about remembering your orthodontic appointments in Sandusky, Ohio? If so, please reach out to A&A Orthodontics at when you have the chance. Our orthodontic team is here to help you in any way we can, and we look forward to your phone call!

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