If your jaw is misaligned, our orthodontists may utilize the Twin Block system to correct the misalignment. The Twin Block is an orthodontic appliance that can help a variety of jaw alignment problems, particularly underdeveloped lower jaws. The Twin Block consists of two plates which fit into the upper and lower jaws and work together to bring the jaws into alignment. Not only will this ultimately create a healthier, more functional smile, but it can improve the patient’s profile as well and boost their self-confidence. The Twin Block can also be used to expand a narrow arch in the upper jaw. Our orthodontists may incorporate an expander into the upper plate to help the upper jaw expand and create more room for crowded teeth and give the upper jaw a more natural shape.

Jaw alignment corrections are most effectively treated when the patient is young and before their growth spurt is complete. Dr. Adenwalla and Dr. Ashai recommend that you schedule an appointment for your child by age 7 so that we can evaluate their smile. If a patient does require palatal expansion or jaw alignment services, they can be started while they child is young, allowing the orthodontic appliance ample time to correct the issue. If you have questions about the Twin Block system in Sandusky, Ohio, please contact us today at A&A Orthodontics!