Do Your Teeth Require a Professional Tooth Straightening Treatment?

Do your teeth require a professional tooth straightening treatment? Getting your smile straightened is an excellent way to ensure your oral health will remain in optimum shape for the rest of your life. With straighter teeth, you are able to clean all areas of your mouth easier, which can significantly lower your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Listed below is a group of frequently asked questions about orthodontic braces:

Which of following ailments is possible if your teeth are out of alignment and rubbing against each other?
a.) Chipping or cracking
b.) Tooth enamel loss
c.) Bruxism
d.) All of the above

True or False: Orthodontic braces and aligners are all formed with metal wires and brackets.
a.) True
b.) False

True or False: Braces are designed to prevent your teeth from sustaining an injury during contact sports.
a.) True
b.) False

You should consider trying orthodontic treatments if you are afflicted with which of the following issues?
a.) Malocclusions or bad bites
b.) Bruxism or TMJ
c.) A crooked smile
d.) All of the above

Answer Key: d, b, b, d

If you would like to schedule a professional cleaning at A&A Orthodontics or if you would like a comprehensive orthodontic exam from Dr. Shabbir Adenwalla and Inayat Ashai and our team at one of our orthodontic offices in Sandusky, OH, please give us a call. Come in and become a success story with a whiter, straighter smile today.

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